spotify wrapped

 I know, I know, we're all sick of this. Actually, that's a lie. I'm not sick of this. I love this so much every year. I wish they would give me a spreadsheet, that's how not sick of this I am. Let's go through my Spotify Wrapped, teeth-grinding detail by teeth-grinding detail. 

First, we've got, somehow, discovered 344 new artists? Probably mostly from those couple of times I decided that I had to what they recommend to me? I don't think I ever listened straight through one of those. Also, top genres are... pretty much as they always are. 

Then the first real weird thing happened. "The Bitter Pill" by Warrant is my top song of the year? Not even... Warrant's best song? Like, I love Warrant, don't get me wrong, all of Poison's success definitely should have been theirs, but like... "The Bitter Pill?"

But it's whatever, you know. "Bitter Pill." It's chill. Let's see what else we've got. 

Two Guns'n'Roses songs and neither of them are my favorite Guns'n'Roses song. Pathetic. 
Oh, by the way, link to my top songs.

Yeah, so, the only reason any of the ones but LPOTL is on that list is because occasionally I would listen to the 'morning commute' thing while sitting at my computer all day, but it's hard to like, listen to talk radio while writing so I didn't often. Just kinda filled up the empty spaces of "Everything that is not LPOTL." 

3 what? I don't know. Episodes or something? Either way, I listen to this for at least forty minutes every workday, often more. So. Commute's a bitch. aND THAT'S THE FINAL TRUTH!!!

This legitimately shook me, to think that my top decade was the 2000s. Like, actually, legitimately shook me. I was actually worried that my top artist wouldn't be the band I literally have tattooed on my body. 

But! No need to fear. Yeah, it was Metallica, and of course my top song was "Sanitarium" because who would I be if it wasn't?

And then we got one more "what the fuck" at the end where... Badflower showed up in the top 5? Like, damn, I guess I listened to "OK IM SICK" more than I thought I did. That's four of who I considered my top five bands... but maybe Badflower should usurp Quiet Riot? 

Either way. Fun times with ~data~. 


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