so what the fuck did i do this year

 Ah, 2020. Actually not a terrible year for me? I tend to do most of my things alone at home anyway, and despite missing a Guns'n'Roses concert that I hadn't even bought tickets for yet, I don't think I missed much. But let's see what the hell I did this year. 

First up, I did get a job teaching English at my old high school? I don't have a degree in education and I don't know who let me do this, but I guess that's what's happening now, so let's hope that I get that certification! Woo hop. 

Steven moved in around March 13th, when the dorms closed down on campus, and so we've been living together for almost a year now. It's going well. We're doing well.

As of December 29th, I read 129 books. It is possible that I'll finish one or two more before the year ends, but we're just saying I read ~130 books this year. Not anywhere near my Goodreads challenge (the dumb idiot I am put that somewhere over 300) but not bad. 

I completed NaNoWriMo, and more than that, I only wrote one first draft this year. 

And probably the biggest thing: I self-published like eight books this year. So, quick little promo here. 

If you want a weird amalgamation of urban fantasy/horror/yeah these kids are in Hell with multiple POVs and an interesting set of worldbuilding: ISCARIOT

If you want a fantasy novel about an environmentally conscious lesbian princess: CIRCUS WINGS

If you want a thriller with a main character that gets more morally gray as everything goes on: SERIAL KILLERS WITH COOKIES

If you want an absolute idiot of a main character and a very 2004 setting (because it's 2004): ONE MORE SAD SONG

If you want what is technically listed as the sequel to that book but can be read out-of-order and is actually a slasher horror novella: THE HORROR AT CAMP NEW WOODS

If you want a standalone school shooting novella: COLUMBINER.

If you want the 'Metallica project book one': SPAHN

If you want a standalone based on the story of the West Memphis Three: THE CRUCIFIXION OF CRAIG KNOX

All of the paperbacks vary in price from $7-$16.66, but every Kindle book is .99--or, if you have Kindle Unlimited, they've all been enrolled in that! So, if you are interested, please please please check them out--I adore each and every one of these books. 

But that's mostly what I've been doing. What am I up to this year? Hopefully I'll get certified to teach more than this one year, and hopefully I'll be able to put out one or two more books! I've got to slow down now on the book publishing; I ran out of prewritten past the first draft books, so it won't be quite so rapid anymore. But keep an eye out! I'm not publishing eight and disappearing forever. 


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