
Showing posts from May, 2018

Writing from the Other Side

I have been told that I have a masculine way of looking at things.             I’ve been told this many times, from many different people—so nobody was surprised when I, in a writing workshop my junior year of college, mentioned that, even though I was female, most of my protagonists were male. It always surprises me, though, when someone says that they have trouble writing protagonists who are unlike them—hell, if I solely wrote protagonists that met my government checklist, that limits me to White Female 18-26. Take into account other things and it limits me further—sexuality, straight, home, rural North Dakota—and, even though professors have told me that most American novelists (the serious ones, at least) write autobiographically, that just doesn’t cut it for me.             I don’t want to write autobiographically. Sure, each of my characters has a part of me in them, whether that be an unfailing love for Keanu Reeves or repressing their emotions, but none of them are wholl

Book Haul #7 | 2018


Why I Like Stupid Shit

I have always been good at school. I have always been writing, and reading and, if my cumulative GPA does anything for me, it’s to say that I’m pretty academically smart. I don’t really know just how true this is (my high school is notoriously terrible, and it’s not really that impressive to be the valedictorian in a class of four when two of them have or have had parole officers), but for the purposes of this argument I’m smart. And I’m an English major—but my favorite author is Stephen King.             That’s not even the stupidest shit I like, though, because even some English professors will admit that King’s a good writer. But I like him. I also love the hell out of those terrible horror novels from the ‘90s—that RL Stine, Christopher Pike, Point Horror kind of stuff. In addition—my favorite movies are horror movies, comedies, ones that star Keanu Reeves. I love South Park. The music I’ve been listening to lately? 3OH!3 bay bee. Basically, what I’m getting at is I am not into

May Weekly Wrap-Up #3 | 2018



Hey guys, it's Aurora--you might know me from my  YouTube channel , where I mostly talk about Stephen King and obscure old paperbacks that I get for free and never read. This is going to supplement that, and... whatever else. Thanks-- aurora dimitre