
Showing posts from October, 2023

Weekly Wrap-Up | 20th Century YA and Horror


Weekly Reading Wrap-Up | Desperately Reading Everything



 This long weekend, I finished two video games, so I figure I'd talk about them. I do want to point out that these games, which are Hiveswap: Friendsim and Pesterquest, have a purpose of 'making friends' with everyone. I just play through it once and if I don't make a friend I just sort of shrug and move on because who am I to fuck with fate. To be fair, I also only read choose-your-own adventure books once. If I die in three pages, I die in three pages. I do think this is a step up from when I was eight and read them straight through, so.  Um, I liked PesterQuest more, I think because it almost made me cry at Nepeta's and then did make a single tear escape my face when Unite: Synchronization played. I am not joking. That happened. I cheated once and looked up how to get Dirk's good end because that was all I really wanted, and I sat there, and I thought about it, and I thought, if there was a place where Dirk Strider could look up and see what he had to do to g

Warrior Cat Vlogs | The Rest


short week short week short week

 We have been in school for almost nine weeks. It seems insane, to me, even, that it's been this long already... but quarter one is over next week.  Most of these weeks have been full, Monday to Friday weeks. No breaks. We've had about five weeks without a Monday or Friday off, and while this sounds like, normal, and normally in my head I'd be like, oh, normal, it's noticeable. Maybe not with me, specifically, but with the kids .  One of the hardest things about switching schools, I think, is losing that innate classroom management. Also the fact that I moved to elementary school and that shit's different. But either way, in a small school where I saw literally every kid 7-12, by the third year I had built those relationships that made classroom management fairly easy. Now I not only have to start over, but an eight year old has less self-control than a fifteen year old. I don't know how many more years of elementary school I have in me. LOL, I do. It's call

Weekly Reading Wrap-Up | March 13, 2021


the bone season

 I'm about twenty pages away from the end of The Bone Season . This book, which came out in 2013, was insanely popular when it first came out. I was on BookTube at the time, about a year before I started my first channel, and it was everywhere . Everyone was reading it. Now as I'm reading it and I'm realizing that it's literally just a dystopian book with a female main character who kills people and it was 2013 and I'm like, oh, right, yeah, that makes sense. One thing that's weirding me out, though, is how big of a deal people were making about the complexity of the novel and the world and the characters. People definitely made a big deal about not understanding The Bone Season, to which I have to say... w h a t?  Maybe it's just because it's technically an adult novel, I guess, and was mostly read by people who only read YA, and I read literally everything in English and French so maybe I have a better background, but... w h a t?  Don't get me wron

THE SCAR BOYS by Len Vlahos | Book Review


Weekly Reading Wrap-Up | March 21, 2021
