the bone season

 I'm about twenty pages away from the end of The Bone Season. This book, which came out in 2013, was insanely popular when it first came out. I was on BookTube at the time, about a year before I started my first channel, and it was everywhere. Everyone was reading it. Now as I'm reading it and I'm realizing that it's literally just a dystopian book with a female main character who kills people and it was 2013 and I'm like, oh, right, yeah, that makes sense.

One thing that's weirding me out, though, is how big of a deal people were making about the complexity of the novel and the world and the characters. People definitely made a big deal about not understanding The Bone Season, to which I have to say... w h a t? 

Maybe it's just because it's technically an adult novel, I guess, and was mostly read by people who only read YA, and I read literally everything in English and French so maybe I have a better background, but... w h a t? 

Don't get me wrong. I understand why it was so damn popular. It was the perfect mix of things for 2013. The perfect mix, down to the love interest. But it isn't especially complex, and it isn't especially unique. It's just fine. 

It's not bad. It's just... fine.


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