
 This long weekend, I finished two video games, so I figure I'd talk about them. I do want to point out that these games, which are Hiveswap: Friendsim and Pesterquest, have a purpose of 'making friends' with everyone. I just play through it once and if I don't make a friend I just sort of shrug and move on because who am I to fuck with fate.

To be fair, I also only read choose-your-own adventure books once. If I die in three pages, I die in three pages. I do think this is a step up from when I was eight and read them straight through, so. 

Um, I liked PesterQuest more, I think because it almost made me cry at Nepeta's and then did make a single tear escape my face when Unite: Synchronization played. I am not joking. That happened. I cheated once and looked up how to get Dirk's good end because that was all I really wanted, and I sat there, and I thought about it, and I thought, if there was a place where Dirk Strider could look up and see what he had to do to get the end he wanted, would he? And in my brain the answer was yes, so I did that, and I got Dirk, and that was really all I needed.

Anyway, I also started The Quarry, but I only played it for about twenty minutes. I'm digging it, I guess. Hard to tell when you've only played it for about twenty minutes. I like that it has that one guy in it. You know that guy. I've only seen him in Booksmart but I like that guy.

Anyway, that's really that. I've been writing a lot, I guess. NaNo is in like a week which means that I do need to finish up my current first draft so I can start... a new first draft. I don't know what I'm going to do yet. It'll either be another Aughts boys book, the sequel to New Match, the first book in the next Tinon trilogy, or some random first draft. Have not decided and will not decide until that fateful Wednesday morning.


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