thanks global warming

The highs for the week are all in the thirties and forties. This is completely wild. Like--I can go outside without a real coat (not like I have a real coat, anyway, the closest thing I have is a leather jacket with some padding in it), I can go for walks, my car can start without yelling at me. Like, it's nice. It's really, really nice.

I figure we're going to get a real winter at some point. Like the kind of winter I'm used to. Fuckton of snow, an inch or two of ice on all roads, temperature lows in the negative teens instead of the positive. Plus that wind chill (okay, we still have the wind, but it's still damn nice out).

But I can go outside now. I can go for walks. My favorite thing, absolute best thing to do, is to go for a walk. I like to walk and listen to music, or podcasts, depending; my headphones I use for music are over-the-ear and they keep my ears warmer when it's cold, so even if I decide to go podcast I might put them on overtop anyway.

Is this like, great?  I mean, in the grand scheme of things, no, it's not great that it's forty degrees out in the middle of December in North Dakota. Normally, nice in the middle of December means around twenty. All of the snow has melted, or at least most of it has, and this means it's easier to drive, but also the icecaps are melting and like that's not great.

But goddam it it's so nice out.


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