so. one left.

I have one semester of college left.

Today I wrote my last final, then finished packing up my car and drove off. It's a half hour drive home. I had Megadeth's "Countdown to Extinction" in my CD player. Last night I drove the other girl in my creative writing night class down to the professor's house for our last meeting and she heard the CD and said it made her think we were doing something more nefarious than just going to the last meeting of memoir, and I remembered that my taste in music is actually a little too hard for people, which is weird cause it's just Megadeth.

And now I'm home. I'm sitting on the couch in the sunroom. My dad tore away the wall from the staircase so it's kinda creepy now. The sky looks like layered sherbet, or something, outside; I took a picture for my Instagram.

I only have one semester of college left.

I don't know what comes next. I don't know at all. I guess next semester I'll start applying for jobs... somewhere? I'm not English ed, I'm just English. I don't have that kind of auto-job, not even that auto-idea-of-what-to-do job. Sometimes I envy people like accounting majors or ed majors or IT majors, because even if they don't have an exact idea, they at least have a, "Well there's this or this", and people will nod when they say what their major is instead of just saying, "So are you going to teach?" and when you say no, I'm just English they say, "So what are you doing?"

If I could go back to freshman year of college I wouldn't change my major, though. I mean, this is pretty much the only thing I'm half-good at, and more than that, this is the only thing I can stand. Oh, I'm sure I coulda pushed my way through an accounting major. I'm sure I could've passed. But I do not give a shit about accounting. I used to have a friend, an accounting major, and it was like he could only really understand something if he could put it in terms of taxes. And that's like--okay, it's kind of cool in a weird way, but I'm happy with my choice in major.

But I only have one semester of college left.


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