seriously guys, state radio is really good

I  mentioned them in my post I  made about the music I've been listening to since I broke my Walkman (and, therefore, cannot listen to my Metallica cassettes), since I'd just gotten the CD and was minorly obsessed with "Unfortunates" (which I always have to second-guess the title of--this one is "Unfortunates", and the Metallica song is "Unforgiven", which I associate with the WM3, and "Unfortunates" is ABOUT the WM3, Jason Baldwin shared it on his Instagram). But I'm not just gonna listen to one song and only one song over and over (even if that's definitely what I did the first couple days I had the CD because A Bitch Has No Self-Control, This Is Why I Need Cassettes You Pretty Much Gotta Listen Straight Through).

But I've been listening a lot to the album in general, the one I got, Year of the Crow, which was like seven bucks on Amazon last time I checked, for the physical CD at least, and man--they're good. Since it's a CD I've listened to the first track about a million times, but it's a good track, and I do like how punky they can get with their lyrics.

Swear to god, the next time I get paid I'm buying another one of their albums, cause this shit's good. Like, did I buy it for "Unfortunates"? Okay like a little. I mean I did listen to the song before buying the CD, because I wanted to see if I liked it, and I did, a whole lot (Baldwin's music taste is kind of hit or miss with me; when it's the heavier stuff, hell yeah, when it's not, ehhhhhh), but I guess I got lucky. Better than when I bought that Tal Bachman CD and it turns out the only good song he ever did was "She's So High" which is, thankfully, on the CD. Did he even do anything else?


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