peace y'all im joining the circus

One thing that my father does is that he like, can't be not bored with a job if he has it for too long. Right now he's a high school principal, and he's doing weird things with scheduling just so he doesn't get bored and leave, because now, especially since my parents are financially stable, he's reaching the end of his three-or-four-year 'I'm done now' period.

I think this is something that I have inherited.

I've been working at the library for just over a year now. I've been going to college at the same place for almost four--graduating this spring. I'm very ready to be done. I'm ready to be done at the library. I don't really crave stability, I don't think. I don't think I'll be able to be a traditionally employed kind of person. I don't know.Maybe this is dumb. Maybe I'll get over myself.

But I could see myself moving along every two years or three years or so. The dream is head west, like it's 1875 and I'm chasing the American Dream, or something (but tbh, just, the cities that I'd love to live in are all West, the East seems pretentious even if Northern Maine is really really cheap), but I don't know how far I'll be able to take each hop. You know? I'm starting to look for jobs next semester. I don't know what I'm looking for.

I was a note-taker for my psych class this last semester, and I'm pretty much incapable of not making dumbass snarky comments. I did hold myself back a lot, to be fair, but I did make a comment that the perfect job would be to be a fortune-teller in a travelling circus. Obviously,  1960s-style fortune-teller is not a viable career path (even if I have the blood for it, thanks my-dad's-side), or even one that's even slightly existent, it'd be like I was Michael from the Knight & Rogue series, trying to be a knight errant when that career path has been dead for a while, except instead of helping people I'd be scamming them out of their money.

but I have, legit, looked into how to join a circus, so the whole circus idea: not completely off the table


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