hm, so we're being like this again?

So I cut off my hair last night.

It's not like my hair was super long, but it's not like I went and had someone who knew what they were doing do it. No, I got back from work (back from an impromptu Hugo's trip, cause ya girl needed powdered soup + wanted fancy pop), dropped my bags, changed into an oversized Guns'n'Roses shirt and Slytherin sweatpants with waistband so stretched you could fit two of me inside, kneeled in front of the mirror slapped on the back of my door, and just started cutting.

I think, given the circumstances, it doesn't look too bad.

 I mean, given the fact that I do not know how to cut hair, it's not so bad. And to be fair, the bottom half of it was so destroyed from the year and a half I spent bleaching it because, fun fact, hair doesn't like to be scorched with peroxide every two months for a year and a half. It hates it, even if you get to look like Courtney Love and you think that's kind of fun.

I'm dying it again, though. I'm going back to dark. Because, the thing is--I really just like, don't give a shit? I wanna cut my own damn hair cause even though it's what kinda looks like a, a, a kind of haircut that--like, kind of a weird Coconuthead? But like, not even? I don't even know man. I don't cut hair. Like, I know it doesn't look good (and I have a LOT of suspicion surrounding people who are telling me it looks good, like don't lie to me). And I know when I straight-up dye my hair black, it's not gonna look good. But I do not care. Because. It's like. Hair.


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