blizzards & the guilt on staying home from work

So, I'm in North Dakota.

We get snow in North Dakota.

Usually, we get at least one big blizzard a year, like, maybe don't leave your house kind of blizzard, and if I'm unlucky, this happens when I'm at home for Christmas break, which is about a twenty minute drive into town, where my job is. It's snowing right now, and my dad, who's in town right now, texted to say that it's bad out there, but I don't know if that's because it really is or because he was lying to me to make me feel better about calling in to work.

See--I called in yesterday, too, because this blizzard, like any good blizzard, is a multi-day affair. I'm set on going in tomorrow, come hell or high water (even though it matters least tomorrow, because I was supposed to close the adult department today and yesterday), and the whole thing is supposed to end by noon tomorrow, which is when my shift is, but I felt so bad calling in today. Even though the weather's worse today. Even though I know that I would have been freaking out.

I've driven in blizzards before. I remember freshman year of college, heading home for Christmas break, there was a verifiable blizzard going on. Like, I remember going on, on the highway, and I couldn't see two feet in front of me. I wasn't even in my Explorer, cause he wasn't mine yet--I was in my dad's Prius. I just didn't think about it. Maybe I just don't need to think about it. Maybe tomorrow I'll just not think about it. Maybe I'll just stop thinking about it.

I swear to God, if I ever manage to escape North Dakota, I'll be able to drive in anything.


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