nano's gonna kill me this year

Normally, when I post on here, it's in the morning. It's the first thing on my to-do list of the day. It's what I do before my first class of the day.

But NaNoWriMo started today. 

I have done none of my work for the day. None of it. And I've got a lot. The only thing that's crossed off is 'writing', because holy hell have I reached the 1667 for the day, I'm almost at 5k already. I'm pumped for this year's project, because I had the luck to fall in love with an idea two weeks before NaNo started and so now that's my life. I'm almost method-writing it. 

See, me, wandering around a college campus in a black band t-shirt, listening to "Master of Puppets" on my Discman. 

So I'm getting no sleep this month. I can tell I'm going to get no sleep this month. Everything is going to be this project. Is this healthy? No. Probably not. Okay, the sleep-deprivation is definitely unhealthy. My life being this one project also probably unhealthy. 

But god it's so fun to lose yourself in a project. Especially when it's got a basis in reality like this one. I'm going to get to take breaks to watch documentaries or interviews. 

Points to anyone who guesses which true crime thing inspired it, and honestly, if you put all the clues on all of my social medias together, you'll probably get it, because there's been some posting, also I've been mentioning in my videos a true crime thing that's been consuming me lately.

So we'll see how it goes. Might die. It'll be cool. 


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