music ive been listening to since i broke my walkman

I broke my Walkman on Tuesday. I just kept accidentally chucking it at the ground. You may be asking, "Aurora, who the fuck listens to cassettes anymore?" to which I answer "Shut up", and something about method writing, but the major consequence of this is that I can't just listen to Master of Puppets, the Black Album, and Ride the Lightning on repeat, because those are albums I only have on cassette.

So I'm back to CDs. This is just like that episode of Degrassi where Spinner breaks his Discman and is like "Man, I'm back to cassettes!" which really spurs on his jealousy of Drake's new digital music player (was it an early iPod? I think it was an early iPod), except not, because it's the opposite, and also Spinner had an excuse, because it was like 2003 in that episode. Side note, the dude who played Spinner also played a drug addict who killed himself in juvie in a movie called Dog Pound, which I think is kinda fun.

Anyway. Since I'm away from Metallica, these are the bands/CDs/albums I've been listening to.

  • Countdown to Extinction (Megadeth): This is cheating, a little, because this is just my car CD right now (my car does have a tape deck but I don't want to risk ruining my tapes so I just. Have enough CDs to do that instead), but I will say, I do know most of the words to "Sweating Bullets", "This Was My Life", and "Symphony of Destruction," so that's kinda fun. Also I checked out the newest Megadeth album (2016!! from 2016! what the fuck) from the library, cause I've heard a few songs on my Amazon Prime Music and they're kinda fun, so I'll be listening to that tomorrow.
  • Nothing Safe: Best of the Box (Alice in Chains): Yes, it's a "best of" album. I have two Alice in Chains albums, and one of them is this one, and if I can listen to both "Man in the Box" and "Angry Chair" (WITH that one song that was in Clerks!!!) on one CD, I will take that option every time.
  • Sam's Town: The Killers: This was my favorite album at the beginning of summer, just cause the titular hard really hits me hard, but the entire album is great. I listened to it today while on a walk (it was nearly freezing! It was so nice. Upper 20s, lower 30s, love it) and it made me want to sprint across campus just from the joy of it all, but like, it's icy so I only ran sometimes.
  • Year of the Crow: State Radio: I got this album today, actually. Ordered it on Tuesday because Jason Baldwin posted one of the songs on his Instagram (it's a WM3 song, "Unfortunates", check it out), and I listened to it, and I really really liked it, and then I listened a few other songs, and then the CD was on Amazon for like seven bucks, and then suddenly I had it. But the whole album's sick as hell, though. I told my mom to listen to it because it sounded kinda folksy to me and apparently to her it sounded metal-y which is like "oh." I guess if you listen to a lot of Mumford & Sons it sounds kinda hardcore? I dunno, man.
But yeah--that's what I've been listening to. Fingers crossed I get a replacement Walkman soon, though. 


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