this is why i don't pick my nano project until november 1st

So, I've been pretty set on doing a sequel to an already existing project for NaNo. That's what I figured I'd be doing. And it might still be what I'm doing. I mean, I don't know--for the past four years of NaNo, I've just kind of waited until I woke up on November 1st and decided then. I haven't 'created' the novel until the first, even if I had a rough idea of what I was going to do and what I was excited for.

Last month, there was an idea that captured me and I was like, hm, maybe I'll do that instead of this companion/sequel. But I talked to one of my critique partners and she talked me down and it was fine.

But then I got another idea just a few days ago, based on some stuff I've been listening to podcasts about/watching documentaries about/being temped to purchase books about, and it's honestly a lot to put it off. I feel like next year will be the year of true crime-y first drafts, because I've got about three ideas sitting on the backburner. Even though I tried to write that Giant True Crime-y Mash-up to make me not want to write a million true crime-y based things, it apparently did not work.

But I also don't want next year to just be first drafts. I want to be able to put a lot of research into... well, that one true crime-y one I did last NaNo that was pre-mash-up, and rewrite that one. That research's going to be rough, but I have already done a lot of it, like I've got a good base because it was my first true crime case that really interested me so I just read a lot and watched a lot of documentaries and read through websites and it did mess me up for a couple of months, not gonna lie.

So I guess no matter how many first drafts I do next year, it's gonna be a pretty true-crime-y year. Which I'm not upset about. Gives me an excuse for those pre-sunrise-and-listen-to-LPOTL-walks I've been taking.


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