lana winters is the best ahs heroine i will fight you on this

So, I've been rewatching American Horror Story (as you probably know from the sheer amount I was talking about Tate Langdon a while ago), and last night I watched episode eleven of Asylum. Spoilers for Asylum ahead, I guess.

Episode eleven is the one with the really tense, really boss escape of Lana Winters, and the scene where she slaps the tape up against the window of the taxi and gives Thredson the finger. It's that episode. It's where she kills him. It's "I'm tough, but I'm no cookie." I cheered like, every single time. Yep, me, alone in my dorm room, just full of so much love for Lana Winters.

I used to call Asylum my favorite season (now I know and have accepted that it is Murder House), and a big part of that was Lana. She is the most badass heroine that the series has. She's ruthlesss and single-minded and stubborn. But she's not really an anti-hero; at least, not until the end, maybe. She's human. But she is so boss. She does what has to be done. She does what she needs to do to survive. She went through hell and she came out stronger for it.

And at the core of it all, what I think is one of the most delicious parts of Asylum, is that her entire storyline really happened because she wanted her story. She wanted to write the story to propel her career forward, the story about Bloody Face. And in the end, she got that. She lost her girlfriend, she was kidnapped and raped and had a child she didn't want, she spent months in a mental institution that she shouldn't have been in where she was subjected to electroshock therapy and tied down and drugged, but she got her story. And she got her career.

And she turned into a ruthless bitch. And I love it so much.

I'm not sure if the later seasons of AHS have this good of writing or characters. I don't know if Freak Show and Hotel were actually bad or if it was just because I watched the episodes so far apart from one another. I'm kind of excited to find out.


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