the year of flashback books

 I don't know what it is. I mean, I love a good flashback, because I think they're very fun and if a character becomes my favorite I want to write everything that happened to them ever, hence why the Aughts Boys series is like that, but this is going to be the year of flashback books, I swear to God. 

Guillaume is coming out March 3rd. About halfway through the book, we get an extended flashback sequence for like twenty thousand words or something. I mean, I couldn't write that book and not include the island parts, right? Like, they were necessary. 

Class B comes out sometime after that. About a third of the way through the book, we get what is essentially a rehashing of Beyr, except this time from Beyr's POV. But like, the first draft of this book used to have random flashbacks and I think I like this better? To be decided as to whether it will stay like this or like, I'll start spreading them around??? I don't know.

Currently writing the second draft of Promise Me, which has ALWAYS been half-flashback. I don't know what the hell is going on with this book. But it is about half flashback. I think we'll end here, though; For My Country is just one timeline, I swear (though it is a prequel novella), and The End... 

Well, fuck. Might have some flashbacks.


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