a stephen king year

This year has been a Stephen King year so far. I'm not saying I haven't read only Stephen King books; I am, however, saying that I have read five of his books so far this year, most of them re-reads, and it is only the end of February, so, like. You know. And I've been having fun! Let's look at the ones I've read this year!

Currently, I'm re-reading Under the Dome for the first time in a long time and fuck I love this book. FUCK I love this book. So fun! Also huge, and so all of my fifth graders were like "what the hell" what I pulled it out during silent reading time. 

Most recently, I re-read The Dark Half, which is historically one of my favorite King novels... and you can tell it's so Bachman-inspired it's insane. It's gorier than other King. It's more depressing than other King. It's like "if Richard Bachman wrote a Stephen King novel", lol. Still love it. 

I re-read Night Shift! Super old fun stories. I do love his older short stories, just because they were so batshit insane at points. Like, "The Mangler"??? Sick as HELL. 

Read Holly for the first time and it was appropriately gnarly. I know it's not everyone's favorite, but a lot of people seem to not like because Stephen King "went woke" and to that I have to say, did we both read The Dead Zone

And, re-read Needful Things. FUCK I love this book. Like with UTD, King is at his best when he's writing a town novel that is over 800 pages long and Needful things is just PERFECT. I watched the movie this year, too, which was fun. 

But yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna keep going at it with the King, I guess. I've been branching out on my adult horror recently, and so I haven't been reading as much... but man, there's something about Stephen King that does feel like coming home.


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