finally! in february, a sale!

 Two sales, actually. I sold two eBooks at the beginning of February: One More Sad Song and Spahn. Ladies and gentlemen, I have made SEVENTY CENTS so far this year.

So, in honor of that, let's talk about some of my books. Five, how about. Let's talk about five of them. Five is manageable.

First up, Guillaume is up for pre-order. I got a blurb, even, and it's below:

"I've had the pleasure of knowing Aurora Dimitre across her entire writing career, and Guillaume is a sort of zenith of all of her strengths. In the days of Lord of the Flies and Stephen King fanfiction, Aurora was somewhat famous for out-there characterizations that went beyond the source material (some of which still exist in those corners of the internet) and Guillaume is a natural outgrowth of that. Where it outshines its inspiration is in the friendship central to it---Though it has its share of macabre and gore, the real tension comes from Ashton and Guillaume's dynamic. That's what'll suck you in. You'll find yourself as confused as Ashton by Guillaume's allure, and soon enough you'll feel like a participant in their escapades. Guillaume is a murderous, Y2K Americana A Separate Peace, the tale of a dysfunctional, explosive relationship between two adolescent boys and the bloody fallout that undoes it." 


- Emma Riva, Author of Night Shift in Tamaqua, Editor of UP Magazine

So like, if you want a love letter to the Tumblr lotf fandom of like, 2012, Guillaume is where it's at. 

Second... what about The Crucifixion of Craig Knox? I used to count this as my favorite book that I'd ever written, at least until I wrote a couple I liked more. West Memphis 3-inspired, has a lot of heart in it, I do still think it's a good time. Not a good time like, happy, but a good time like, a decent book. Wrongful conviction stuff. You know how it is.  

Next... what the hell. Columbiner. Was super popular, for a while there. Last year it kind of died off a little, but it's my school shooting book. Short and sweet. By sweet I mean not sweet at all. It's a school shooting book. 

While we're on the murder train--lol, like I have any other train for my books--let's talk about Serial Killers with Cookies? First in a series that only has one book to go? Vigilante justice? Justine's going crazy? Serial killers? Cookies? Sometimes more humorous than they should be? 

Last, let's mention Like Hell. When I put Like Hell out, that's when I stopped calling Crucify my favorite book that I'd ever written. I really enjoyed writing Like Hell. My favorite way of describing it does remain: "it's about revenge, friendship, and killing your mom's boyfriend." So. There's that. 

I do have more books! But I didn't want to be here all day. Check them out. Have some fun. What the hell, it's only 99 cents.


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