the artistic inspiration from homestuck

I'm not talking about Homestuck fanfiction, done that, we're not doing that anymore, I promise. I'm talking, I'm re-reading Homestuck currently (as I've been saying for a while, so you might be thinking 'still?', and if you are thinking 'still?' you are clearly not familiar with the sheer fucking length of the thing), and dear God is it just fucking awesome.

What really makes me want to create from Homestuck is the plot. I mean, I love the characters, and Homestuck worldbuilding is maybe the only worldbuilding I really give a shit about out of pretty much anything, but how just... convoluted the plot is makes me really happy. The time travel bullshit and the alternate universe bullshit and why-is-Gamzee-here??? bullshit: all of that bullshit makes me happy. I don't know how much of this was planned out. You know that the first couple of acts are sheer by-the-seat-of-his-pants kind of shit, and also by-the-fan-polls-that-used-to-be-a-thing kind of shit, but I don't know how much was planned out after that.

And it doesn't really matter. I mean, as a pure pantser myself, I dig the idea that he just went and then all of this sort of erupted. But there's something kind of beautiful about something like that being carefully sketched out. I'd bet that once it got as big as it did, you know, back in like, 2013, there was some more planning going on. No matter the conception, though, it makes me want to create.

I think I've mentioned it recently--I've been doing less creatively lately. Part of this: job. While forty hours a week isn't all that much in the grand scheme of things and also I rarely even hit forty hours, sometimes scheduling takes time from weird places. Another part: boyfriend. Like spending time with him. Sometimes (like... right now) he's passed out in the other room so I can go and do shit (like... this), but overall, I'm not gonna ignore him to write, it's still new enough that I want to pretty much be around him all the time. Third part: winter makes me sad? I don't know the third part, maybe it's a, 'I'm waking up later' thing, I dunno.

But re-reading Homestuck--right now I'm just at those 'alpha troll' games, that's where I paused my readthrough right now, and I am just bursting with the kind of want and need to write and create and share. I do have vague plans for vague things (pet project: self-pub? wm3 project: take over as new querying project? metallica project: small press?) but I haven't ever shared a big, novel-length work with the world. Homestuck makes me want to.


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