all the way back to eighth grade

I've kept a consistent journal for like, nine years at this point. With breaks in the summer, to start with, at least--when I was in early middle and high school I guess I never thought anything in the summer happened, so I never wrote anything down. I saved my notebooks for the school year, I guess.

I don't know exactly how many I've gone through, but I do still have them all, which might be a little creepy, but like, now if I want to see just how fucking weird I was in 2011, I can. Mostly I was concerned with the anime I was watching and the books I was reading and the one guy I had a major crush on for pretty much the entirety of high school (I'm pretty sure it's his birthday today, so, happy birthday, dude). When I got older the journals got a little less... majorly concerned with the fictional shit I was consuming, and at this point I only mention it if it's like, really really good.

They do still tend to be one-track minded. A lot of the time they have a lot to do with whatever boy I had a crush on (or, at this point, the boy I'm dating), but that is also maybe because I sometimes (read: most of the time) have very little going on. Like right now, it's all split between WORK | BOYFRIEND because that's really what I've got going on. If anything happens writing-wise, I will stack it like, WORK | BOYFRIEND | WRITING. Or the weather! Last night's entry was WORK | BOYFRIEND | WEATHER because in the winter the weather is something I worry about a lot.

I'm not sure why it stuck so long. It's just kind of something I do--I dunno, I like the idea of leaving something behind, maybe? And it is interesting to look back at things, even though sometimes I'll look back at some of them and it'll be like, "hmm, maybe someone should have been concerned here." (Looking at you, entire junior year of college)

But I'm gonna continue to do it. I have lots of blank journals ready to be filled, and I will continue to fill them.


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