
This is definitely premature, I can almost guarantee that by mid-February we're going to be back in the negatives, but welcome, we're coming back to 'it's winter, so the only thing Aurora talks about is the weather.'

It's been warm.

If you're not from the Midwest area, you might see my 'it's twenty-three degrees at seven in the morning' and be like "Excuse me," but it's the end of January and it's twenty-three degrees at seven in the morning. We're supposed to hit like, thirty-nine this weekend. The roads are slushy and the Interstate keeps getting icy because it rains and then it gets cold at night (which is awful, I need to go to Fargo today to catch the Jay & Silent Bob Reboot Roadshow), and you look outside and it's like, it looks like March out there.

Don't get me wrong. There's still a ton of snow everywhere, and we've got lows coming up in the negatives in the next couple weeks. But the highs are staying double-digits above zero, and for a place that had a straight two weeks of highs in the double-digits below zero, this is wild. We've had a couple of handfuls of days where it's around negative twenty, and that's before the wind-chill's factored in so it's, you know, feels like negative forty kind of situation, but it's never been more than two or three days at a time. And we've had some storms, yeah. We've had at least one major blizzard every month since October.

But for a winter that was supposed to be fucking awful, this isn't... fucking awful, I guess? I mean, again--not even February. We've got until like, May until we're totally in the clear snow-wise, March or so temperature-wise (and by temperature-wise, I do mean, you know, away from those negatives), but...

Despite the awful time farmers are going to have with all of this snow melting, especially considering how much rain we got, for the average North Dakota citizen who does not farm and instead makes twelve dollars an hour cutting pizzas, it hasn't been like.

Super awful.


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