missouri vacation

I was born in 1997, so our oldest home videos were on VHS. I'm not sure how many we had total, but there's still one that I have in my possession. It's from 2001, and it's just a VHS tape with 'MO VACATION' scribbled on the front in red Sharpie and my dad's awful handwriting.

The other night, I had some Christmas presents to wrap and the night off, so I popped it in. And beyond how weird it was to hear that my dad's voice has really really really fucking changed in the last 19 years (he was 27 in 2001), and how fun it is that even as a three-almost-four year old I was already wearing baseball hats only backward, and how my little brother, who already goes by a nickname, had a second nickname, which was 'Fatty', because in every clip he's eating.

Honestly, there's a clip where my dad is trying to explain racism to me, a three year old who doesn't really care all that much, and in the background: Hobie, sitting on the ground eating cigarette butts.

It's interesting. We've got one other vacation video that we have access to, and that's our Florida vacation of 2006, and it does make me wonder why we stopped taking video for our vacations, because like--it's easier now. The 2006 one was taken on a digital recorder, but the 2001 vacation was recorded straight to a tape. Like, that's not convenient at all. Now everyone has cameras with them all the time, and we stopped. Maybe it's because now everyone's taking pictures for Instagram: I know the Maine Vacation of 2015, which was my pick because I'd just graduated high school, was thoroughly documented on my Instagram account.

Still, you have to feel bad for my dad when there is a full ten minutes of  him recording me playing with rocks and not letting him stop recording me playing with rocks because it's a 'play' and needs to be seen by the world.


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