hell-o again true crime

I've been in a big West Memphis Three mood again recently.

If you missed my giant spiral into that case, lucky you, it's what turned me into what I am today, with all the Metallica and everything. But recently I've been listening to a lot more Metallica again (also the fact that I actually learned the intro riff/main verse riff to Sanitarium probably didn't help either), been thinking about rewatching the first Paradise Lost doc again, et cetera.

It's kinda nice to get back into true crime. Beyond that, right now I'm reading The Stranger Beside Me, AKA the Ted Bundy book, and it's super fucking interesting. This isn't the first Ann Rule book I've read, but her other book didn't impress me quite so much--this one is actually super interesting, because you can really see where she struggles to relate Ted Bundy with the guy she worked at a crisis hotline with.

If you're unfamiliar, Ann Rule knew Ted Bundy, worked with him, liked him, and her book about him is what really skyrocketed her into true crime circle fame.

I haven't been listening to as much Last Podcast on the Left recently, mostly because it's been cold out and icy out, it's winter, and so my usual time to listen, which is either 'when I'm outside wandering around' or sometimes 'when I have to take some books out of the Book Wall which takes two hours so I might as well podcast' hasn't exactly been happening. I mean, I do take books out of the Book Wall in the winter, too, it's just not an everyday thing. I've been feeling like I want to listen to more of that right now.

Sometimes, man, I just forget how into true crime I am. It's weird to think, considering just how many of my writing projects are true crime, but then a true crime book pops up in the book wall and it's like, oh, right, it's your favorite genre of nonfiction, read more of this. And I'm still waiting for Jeff Guinn to come out with another book, man, he's undisputed as the best true crime author out there.


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