men's jeans are my new love

So, I'm not especially tall--I'm pretty tall for a girl, I'm 5'8, but I'm not like, a giant or anything. I mean, I know plenty of girls as tall or taller than me. I'm also not ultra-skinny, but I am relatively thin, and basically, moral of the story is, women's jeans hate me, because I'm 5'8 and 140-145lb and they want me to have hips that I do not have. They also want me to have a purse that I do not carry, because obviously I must carry a purse, so I don't need these fuckin pockets. 

I know that pockets are what every women complains about on jeans. I know this. But you would not believe the actual fucking wonder I felt when I put my hand into the pocket of a pair of men's jeans I had on and my hand just. Kept going. It kept going like, an inch past my wrist, and I just stared down in wonder, like, holy shit, I could put practically anything in there. Even my nice pairs of women's jeans, a 'good pocket' on those is, I might be able to put my whole hand in there.

There's also the fact that I've just been wearing mostly men's clothes for a while now anyway, as in, t-shirts and flannels and hoodies and whatever, pants was kind of just the next step. But like, man--a pair of pants that doesn't gap at the waist? A pair of pants that just fits nicely? And like.. isn't... three inches too short?

Like holy shit.

Not to mention, the sizing on men's pants is supposed to mean something, even if there is slight variation between brands, it's not a, an 11 in this brand is a 4 in this brand kind of thing. Your 28-32 is supposed to mean something, so you can probably make a good guess on what is going to fit.

It's amazing. Every pair of men's pants I've bought, whether it be at Wal-Mart, ShopKo, Glik's--they all fit, and they all fit so well. I have like, four pairs now and I'm like, I'm never buying women's pants full price again. If i get another pair of women's pants it'll definitely just be because I saw a neat pair at the Salvation Army. I advocate everyone just dropping women's pants like the cancer they are.


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