tsup guys it's been a while

Couple of life updates here:

  • I moved out of my childhood home! I now rent an apartment in a city about an hour away. I do have a job lined up. Haven't started it yet; I start next week, which basically means I've got like, a two week vacation to get used to living on my own.
  • Speaking of living on my own, being an adult... holy hell is it kind of weird to grocery shop for yourself? I mean, I bought groceries in college, but that was 'grab some stuff for the weekend, we still go to the caf during the week.' I'm sure everyone in Leever's was just amused as hell watching me wander around, lost, muttering "noodles, I know noodles... pro...tein? protein? protein! should probably have a fruit. apples are cheap. apples."
  • Since I live in North Dakota, and not even Fargo, nobody wants to live here and rent is cheap, so I have an office because I'm renting a two-bedroom apartment. So I have an office! I don't have any bookshelves yet (though all of the unread books, the Book Wall, is on the floor in my bedroom, obviously), I've got a couple of stacks of read books to go on them, so that'll be fun.
  • I got a new computer! It's a desktop, my brother built it for me, and my parents paid for it as like, a graduation from college present. It has a mechanical keyboard and my neighbors hate me already. 
  • I graduated from college, by the way. Bachelor's in English. For all those who want the short-term gratification over long-term job prospect.
  • I kid, I kid, my upcoming job pays pretty well. 
So that's where I've been. Real adult now, hey. 


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