25$ a week on groceries is like, really sad for the first couple weeks

'tsup, I'm Aurora and I'm a recently moved out of my parents house adult.

In the past month and a half, I guess it was, I've gotten to do fun things like, paying rent for the first time. Getting up at five in the morning to go to work. Paying to do my laundry. And grocery shopping. I went grocery shopping like, four times. Once a week.

I gotta say, that first week? Probably hilarious to anyone watching. I, just a mere zillenial, twenty-one, freshly out of college where I only had to supplement a meal plan and thus it didn't matter that my food money went to coffee and ramen and that's it, had no idea how to fucking shop for myself. For food. I wandered around. I recognized noodles. I found some coffee creamer. I got some peanut butter. I figured that, oh shit, I should probably eat a plant? I bought some apples.

Now I'm a couple weeks in and so I have a little bit of a basis, you know; I've still got that first box of noodles I bought (big box), and that coffee creamer, so it's like, it's not as hard to get some food for your money. Now I also have... frozen chicken patties! And summer sausage! And Malt-o-Meal!

It doesn't help that my new town doesn't have a Wal-Mart, so it's like, a little more expensive to get shit. Rent's cheap but food's expensive, kind of thing. It also doesn't help that I don't know how to shop for myself. Did I mention that.

What else did I buy for myself? Did you say, a super cool Iron Maiden set with "Somewhere In Time", a little Eddie, and a patch? Could you shut the fuck up, maybe?


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