goals and jobs and career and no

My job is not my life.

My job, I kind of hate it, a little bit. It pays pretty well, though, and I'm 30k in debt because someone just had to go get an English degree, so I'm keeping it until I have that paid off. Right now I'm about a sixth of the way there.

I started freelancing, a little bit, on the side. My job's got a funky schedule where it gives me enough time to do so, and like, obviously the main goal is to be able to freelance full-time, but if I quit my job and I can't manage that then I'm not against working at a grocery store, because, I feel, if you work someplace like fucking Leever's, nobody's going to assume that your job is your life. My job is a way to pay the bills while I do what I want to do.

(i live in a. pretty cheap part of the country, by the way)

Maybe it sounds entitled and millennial (though depending on who you ask I'm Gen Z so suck on that) but I don't want a fucking career. I don't want a 9-5, and I don't want to be the kind of person that throws everything into their 401k. I don't care for any of that shit, frankly. And the difference, I think, between this and the general "i don't want a jobbb" that you see made fun of all the time is that it depends on what you're willing to put into it, and where. Like I said, I'm 30k in debt from college, like pretty much everyone my age. I'm not as bad off as some people, worse off than other people. I'm doing all right.

One thing that I don't like, which is maybe, again entitled and fucking rude, I guess, is that I don't like people prying into this shit. I don't plan on getting married, I don't want to get married, just because I just don't care for people to be that close to me. You can say, oh, you'll change your mind, oh--no, fuck off. This is the kind of shit that makes me more determined to not. You say I will do something and I have the immediate impulse to do the exact opposite out of plain spite. It's like my new coworkers saying that oh, they'll pack the pounds on me, guess what buddies, you've just guaranteed that you won't. 

My job is not my life, and unless I manage to make writing a full-time thing, it's not going to be my life.


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