dave mustaine and aurora's introduction into heavy metal

So, Dave Mustaine has throat cancer.

I mean, apparently prognosis looks good. Apparently everyone's pretty sure he's going to beat it, which is good, because a girl loves her Megadeth. I mean, I know that I love Metallica and I will always love Metallica (and, admittedly, I'm a bit of a Kirk girl), but Megadeth, more specifically Countdown to Extinction, more specifically "Sweating Bullets" was like. Megadeth popped my heavy metal cherry.

I had "Sweating Bullets" on my eighth grade iPod. It was vastly out of place, I mean, I had some good ol' 2000s post-grunge (Three Days Grace Shinedown Breaking Benjamin type stuff), so it's not like it was sandwiched in-between a fuckton of pop, but it was distinctly older than anything else on that thing (and older than the girl playing it!), and I have a very distinct memory of cleaning one night (because it was a thing that my parents did, between 8-9PM on non-school nights, if I wanted to use the computer between 9-10 I had to clean during the former, because it was 2010 and electronics/internet were pretty much a luxury in rural North Dakota) and my dad was telling this story about how, when I was little, I'd go like,

"Hey, it's a rock concert!" And then I'd dance rocks around, pretty much.

I should also note that my mom was pretty grunge and my dad, well, every time I bring my tapes to their house he'll go through them and be like, "Had this one, had this one, hand this one--" And the last time they were at my apartment he noticed I had AJFA on vinyl and was like "oh, I had that one on tape", thus disproving his "I stopped with that heavy metal when i was THIRTEEn, because he was FOURTEEN when Justice came out) (Also then I pulled out my AJFA tape because it's Metallica and of course I have it on both vinyl and tape).

Anyway, my dad was telling this story just as "Sweating Bullets" was coming on my iPod. (I still know all the words to this song by the way, it's been hammered in my head for fuckin ten years) (hElLo Me, mEeT tHe ReAl Me) and I mentioned it, and my dad got a funny look like, "Really? My oldest daughter is listening to Megadeth? What?"

Now, learning about the fact that he apparently had every Metallica tape, probably up to the Black album, I'm guessing he probably just fell on the Metallica side, but IDK.

Then, freshman year of college: I started collecting CDs. I bought some from Wal-Mart, I already had a few that I'd used to play in my CD player/radio combo when I did dishes (the more I look back on my childhood versus how much my little sister has to do the more pissed off I get, but that's not for now), like everything The All-American Rejects ever put out and Simple Plans "No Pads, No Helmets, Just Balls", but I was starting to build up a collection. And so, Thanksgiving of that year, we went to Fargo, and my mom's younger brother brought out some CDs he never used anymore.

And I recognized one of them--hey, he's got Countdown to Extinction! That has "Sweating Bullets" on it! I know that song!

(We're not going to talk about how I even came across that song because I'm pretty sure it was Homestuck thing)

So I took that one. Also a Zeppelin CD, and I think a Skid Row CD. And you know, before you really get into metal, how it's hard to kind of. Appreciate?

I mean, I knew "Sweating Bullets". But ya girl was in a full-on grunge phase, like, I wore four shirts every day, three of them were Nirvana shirts, I listened to Nirvana and Soundgarden and STP and Hole and not Pearl Jam, actually, because Pearl Jam was my mom's favorite and I was eighteen and still in a "no mom, your taste is BAD" even though I literally looked like a carbon copy of my mother in 1996. So I would sometimes listen to "Sweating Bullets" but other than that the CD sat mainly unused.

We're also not going to talk about how I called it 'death metal-y' in my first CD collection video because I didn't know the metal subgenres because I was still grunge-y.

And then came senior year of college.

And then came the West Memphis 3.

And then came Metallica

And then came, holy fuck, "Sweating Bullets" guy used to be in Metallica?

I was already up one, I already had the CD. (Now I also have Countdown to Extinction on tape, but, eh). But it is wild to me, as someone in a time when normally, big rock bands, you think Metallica: prior to senior year of college, I'd play a fun little game with myself when listening to the radio of, if I didn't really know a song but kind of knew it, it was the, "Is this Metallica?" game, because the only one I ever knew for sure was Metallica was Sandman because it was 2018 and if you know Metallica you know "Enter Sandman" unless you're like, into Metallica. But I would one hundred percent recognize Dave Mustaine's voice. Mostly "Sweating Bullets" but he's distinctive enough that I definitely would've recognized that voice.


I have no doubt that Mustaine's gonna push through and give us album 16. I mean, there's a little doubt because nothing is certain but like--he's fuckin Dave Mustaine. There's no way he's gonna lose to this.


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