the right time to read a stephen king book

I'm not going to just put, "all the time" and close out, even though I considered it for the humor if it alone. but yeah, "all the time."

No, I'm talking more about like, the right time in your life to read a Stephen King book. And I'm not talking, when can I let my kid read Stephen King (for reference, my parents handed me The Stand on my twelfth birthday and I turned out OK). I'm talking, boy's written a lot of books, when do I read what what.

What made me think of this is I'm reading a Stephen King book for the first time right now. This doesn't happen too often anymore; I'm a little bit behind on his new releases but overall, what I have left is: Duma Key, Gerald's Game, The Outsider, Sleeping Beauties, From a Buick 8, Elevation. The one I'm reading right now is Blaze. 

Fuck, man, I had to look up the list of Stephen King books to make that list of ones I haven't read, and I thought it was longer than that, excuse me while I go freak out a little bit, this is why I mostly re-read ones I've already read because I actually do not know what I would do with my life if it turns out I'm out of new Stephen King books. Fuck, the man's getting old, he's gonna die sometime, and when that happens I'm gonna be totally out.


Anyway, though, I'm thinking right now is a good time to be reading Blaze, and by that I mean, I think if I'd read it before October of last year I would've liked it, but my heart wouldn't have broken for it so much. Basically, the book follows this brain-damaged guy, Blaze, as he kidnaps a baby. It does dip into his backstory, and that's really--that's the really fucked up part. So I was reading it, you know, I just finished the chapter where it talked about his prison experiences, and before October of last year, before I read shit like True Stories of False Confessions and whatever, I would have had a bigger disconnect to it.

Blaze is a Bachman book, which means, hell yeah, sign me the fuck up, my favorite book of all time is a Bachman Book. It also means I'm kind of apprehensive about how it's going to end, because they are notoriously depressing. It's like, Stephen King novels will end in a moment of peace. The peace might not last, but it's there for now. If a Bachman book ends in a moment of peace, it's peaceful because everyone is dead.

But I think that this book in particular is one of those where I'm reading and it's like, yeah, this book was made for me. This book just ticks all of my boxes. This is the best time for me to be reading this--right now, right here, it's great, if you haven't read this one, read it.


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