seriously, eat something when you're consuming massive amounts of caffeine

Maybe my caffeine consumption isn't what one should call 'massive', but it kind of is, I mean, kind of. I used to be really good at only having one cup of coffee a day, I'd have one right in the morning, it was a good thing. Then it turned to two. Then three. Then however many I can fit in the day.

Lately I've had two days where I've maybe overdone it, and let me tell you--very high difference in caffeine highs. If you don't eat, it's like "w...o...a...h can't really stand because i am very lightheaded what the fuck". If you do it, it's like "WOAH LET'S GO FUCK YEAH".

The first time was because I drank four cups rapid-fire, and the only thing I ate was a pack of ramen noodles, and the coffee won. The second time was because I'd eaten that day, and I'd already had a couple of cups that day, but I was wandering around drinking a gas station cappuccino and then "Kickstart My Heart" came on and I was forced to chug it and sprint to the nearest trash can to toss the cup, as you do. The first time was the lightheaded, the second time was the better high.

Right now I'm going through a kind of the first one, which is bullshit because I have eaten today, I had a real breakfast with meat and there were potatoes, and I even had a pear. But I guess two cups of coffee and then a large Americano cancels that out, apparently. I should go eat lunch. Probably. God damn it.


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