seriously guys, go watch the dirt

Let's get this straight--when it comes to Nikki Sixx, the band that I see with more nostalgia is Sixx:A.M., because that's a fucking phenomenal band and also I was born in 1997 so time-wise it just worked better for me than Motley Crue.

Though, as I've learned from listening to their greatest hits CD, every song that I had filed under 'stereotypical rock song' was by Motley Crue. I've spent the last couple of days going: "Too Young To Fall in Love" is by them? "Wild Side" is them? The version of "Smokin in the Boys Room" that I know is them?

But anyway, I don't know that much about the band. Sure, I have the fuckin "Dr Feelgood" tape, and my radio station used to play Nikki Sixx's show at night (now we do Alice Cooper), but since I saw the trailer for the new movie, based on their combo-memoir, I knew it was literally the only musician biopic coming out that I had any interest in seeing. But I don't have Netflix, so I resigned myself to like, only seeing it if maybe it came out on DVD because sometimes Netflix does that?

But I went home last weekend.

And we have Netflix again?

I'm not questioning it, I just figured I could watch The Dirt and it'd be chill. I was thinking, hell, maybe I'll do some writing while I watch this.

Spoiler alert: I did not do any writing while watching that. I waited until it was done and then slammed out the last couple thousand words of a first draft, thank you and goodnight.

But holy fuck was this fun. I've heard that the movie toned shit down (in which case, holy shit), I've heard bad things here and bad things there, but like--it does not really matter if it's accurate, at least not to me. To me, this movie does a couple of things:

  • Made me listen to my Dr Feelgood tape a lot more than otherwise. 
Okay, okay, on a serious note:

  • Even if it doesn't really get everything exactly right, the movie pairs with their music so, so well. Like--feel-wise, the movie feels like Motley Crue. 
  • Their album sales have gone up in the last couple of days/weeks since the movie's been out. 
Now, I'm not hoping for a renaissance in people being pretentious because they listen to eighties music. I'm hoping for a) people to reference music that I know and b) up and coming musicians to be inspired by this and maybe get us some good fuckin rock bands out here. I was watching a Become the Knight video the other day, he was talking about if rock was dead or whatever, and in it he went over a bunch of high-profile albums coming out this year. Most of the roster was full of heavily established bans with heavily established fanbases; eighties bands. Megadeth was there. Shit like that. 

Okay, so I love all of these stupid eighties bands. I do. I have a Walkman, I'm limited in my music choices. And for a certain number of people, these old bands will be enough. They will buy their tapes and they will wander around with their Walkmen (is that the plural?) and they will alienate people by pulling handfuls of cassette tapes out of their pockets whenever they have the option. I am one of these people, if that was not obvious.

But it's like--it's kind of depressing to be into bands that have all blown past their heyday. Sure, Metallica's arguably the biggest fucking rock band in the world right now, but they're not in their prime (when their prime is really depends on who you ask, but my favorite album is "Master of Puppets" so take from that what you will). It would be really cool to be super into a band that's still young, still kicking, not stuff your dad listens to, by the way. 

So for some people who do not pretend it is 1986 every time they step outside, I'm hoping that the increase in glam metal sales are gonna bring something good outta it. And I'm hoping that, like was mentioned in the video linked above, people actually pay attention to it.

That goes for me, too. Yell at me to at least add some new shit to my Amazon Prime, Jesus. 


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