
Notre-Dame de Paris burned yesterday.

It's out now, but it's something that doesn't still really feel real. I mean, I have no claim to the building or anything. I'm not French, I'm not religious, and I've never even seen it outside of pictures. But it was...

The structure and two of the towers are safe. If I'm right, and don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure most if not all of the statues were removed prior to the fire starting for some repairs, so they're fine. But the stained glass is gone. And the spire fell.

Video footage of that spire falling is the first thing I saw about the fire, and it's--like I said, it doesn't seem real. This is like--it's like the White House burning down, it's like Buckingham Palace burning down. And I guess it didn't really 'burn down' but it's been gutted. One thing that France has really had for a long long time is being this cultural center, and part of that was Notre-Dame. There's a lot of history in Paris, and part of that is Notre-Dame. The cathedral is older than my fucking country.

And I'm sure they'll rebuild. The main structure, like I said, is pretty much intact. But if there's one thing to remind you that, hey, you're living in tomorrow's history right now, it's something like Notre-Dame bursting into flames.


Notre-Dame de Paris.


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