Writing | Pen & Paper V. Computer

I write most of my novels (okay, all of them, but most of the words in my novels) on the computer. I don't have Scrivener, I don't have any fancy application like Scrivener; I just use Microsoft Word 2016 (or whatever the second-newest one is, I haven't had the motivation to update it).

Sometimes when I'm bored, I'll scribble down scenes or openings or, during NaNoWriMo, I'll have a notebook that I'll carry around so that I can continue first drafts even when I'm not at my computer. And while I don't really have a preference for which to use (except that a computer is faster, I can type much faster than I can long-hand), there is something about writing with a pencil and paper.

It feels fresher. That might be because I'm used to writing on a computer (TBH, even changing my font size will make writing feel fresher), but I feel like maybe, the slow-down of having to print (well, print and half-cursive. Scrawl. Scrawl is a good word.) does make it better. Like, maybe going a million miles an hour isn't the best? But I  mean, it's whatever.

I'm thinking of starting a new project soon, something completely different from anything I've ever done before, and I think I'm going to do preliminary and first draft work in a notebook. I'm not gonna share what it is because I don't know if it'll actually happen--like I said, it's something completely different than what I've done before--but if it does, the first draft has to be done before school starts for me on the... 26th? 27th? Something of August.

So I'm hoping scrawling it down is the answer, because this is my one shot to do this if I ever want to do it, so wish me luck.


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