Reading Series | Binge-Reading or One at a Time

I'm currently working my way through the rest of the Zeroes trilogy by Scott Westerfeld (+Margo Lanagan, Deborah Biancotti), and while it was a little bit rough to start out, because I read the first book my freshman year of college (so, about three years ago, bleh), and in addition to that, I read the first book so slowly that I didn't even really like it all that much. But recently, I picked up book two from the library, started slow... and then worked the Bookmobile AKA Aurora gets paid to read for six hours, and promptly tore through that one, book three was on the damn bus, so I promptly tore through the first three hundred pages of that one, too.

I think there's something to be said about binge-reading a series. If a series is even relatively good, binge-reading it will make me completely engrossed in it--I gave Swarm a full star more than Zeroes, and I don't know that it was, objectively, all that much better. But I do know that I did accept my dumb love for Ethan (Anon does still tear out my heart, don't worry), and I also know that I want to re-read book one just so that I can see where these kids came from. I also want to buy the entire series, because this is a series that I checked out entirely from the library and now I want to own them.

But even in a context away from Zeroes, another series that I love to re-read all at once is the Gone series by Michael Grant. It's my favorite series, first of all, but also, when I re-read it, I get so trapped in the world and the characters and it's honestly insane that I haven't read Monster yet.

Even though I really tend to enjoy series a lot more when I binge them, I don't... really tend to binge them. Mostly, when I'm reading a series, I'll read a book in it, and then move on, and, like in the case of Zeroes, sometimes take actual years before I pick up the next one. I don't know why. I very rarely remember what happened in a previous book (I'm not worried about this with Monster, seeing as I've read the six original Gone books quite a few times), but I don't care. I just barrel through it and hope that I remember enough that the book doesn't suck. Luckily, this did work with Zeroes. 

So maybe I should binge-read series more.

Maybe I should actually read Monster before Villain comes out this fall.


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