Reading My Own Books

So, I work at a library. One of the perks of that is that I don't have any fines, even if (when) I check books out for months at a time--I do keep an eye on them to see if anyone's put them on reserve, and if they do, I do bring them back, I'm not a complete monster--and so it's extremely easy to just have a million books checked out and just 'getting to them whenever.'

Except recently I've been neglecting my own books. I have... a lot of unread books, and when I'm reading six books a week, one would think that would help chip away at the foundation of a few (six hundred+) books lining my walls. Except recently, four of those six have been library books.

I love libraries. Not only does my library employ me, but I have a lot of great memories of said library as a child, and that's pretty sweet. But there comes a point where I need to be like, okay, no, I've gotta read my own books now. I can't keep just reading library books, because I have too many of my own.

I'm still checking out the warrior cat books so that I can do my re-read. That's still a thing. But when it comes to other random YA books, I'm bringing them all book. It's going in increments, so I don't have to reshelve thirty books in one go, but I'm bringing them all back. I'm going to focus on my own books. I need to just. Focus on my own books.

Library books have also been pretty counterproductive in the way of... I read the first book in a series and immediately decide to purchase the rest of the series. And it's like, okay, I know that this is also pretty much just a personal flaw, but the fact of the matter is, I would not have purchased them if it weren't for me checking those books out from the library in the first place. I had absolutely zero intent of purchasing and reading Illuminae , so I check it out from the library, read it, love it, BAM! Own the entire series.

So, apart from those books about feral cats, I'll be reading my own books from now on, no matter how tempting library books can be.


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