Multiple Editions of Books

I own a lot of books. This is not a surprise to anyone who knows me; I have so, so many books. A lot of these books are different books, but a lot of these books are multiple editions of one book--Lord of the Flies, The Chocolate War, and basically every Stephen King book ever are books I tend to go for multiple editions of.

Recently, I was in Goodwill, because that's who I am as a person, and I saw the new edition of the first Gone book. I own the entire series, in the hideous old covers that I love. I love those overdramatic teenagers posing on the cover of a series that is so much darker (and, honestly, so much better-done) than those covers make it look. The new covers fit the series much better, if I'm being completely honest.

The Gone series is probably my favorite series. Not my favorite book (that honor still goes to The Long Walk by Stephen King), but my favorite series overall (even if I haven't read Monster yet). So, even though I hesitated a little because I do already own the entire series and I'm a little mad about the new covers existing, even if they're about a million times better than the old ones, I bought it. And I probably will buy the other books in the series in these covers if I find them in Goodwill or the Salvation Army or insert-secondhand-store-here.

Even though I own an legit ton of books, I'm cool with this. Maybe I shouldn't be, and maybe I won't be ten years down the line (see me open my own used bookstore just to get rid of all this crap, right?), but right now, I'm chill with having multiple editions of books that I love, whether that means I have three shelves stuffed to bursting with Stephen King books or six copies (okay, only four) copies of Lord of the Flies. 

Sometimes it just be like that.


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