ya girl be vaccinated

 Got my second COVID SHOT yesterday. Moderna--they brought that shit straight to the school, so all I had to do was head down, let another person watch my sophomores watch To Kill a Mockingbird, and get jerbed. Then I had an IEP meeting so even though it was the last day before a break and we should get to leave at 3:30, I didn't get out of there until 4:15 and that sucked ass. 

Either way, side effects now of the covid vax. Arm is very sore. It's getting better, but holy god for a few hours there I could not lift my left arm. Last night a few chills started, and I'm pretty sure I had a fever. Today the side effects have been fairly mild. In all honesty, probably should not have gone to a Long Big Fun Day in Fargo, because I was miserable by the end of it, but I rested and now I feel fine again. Took a bath and all that shit.

The chills are still faintly present, but TBH, I'd probably let anyone inject me with anything, so it's whatever. It's a little weird--got a little loopy there for a bit. I am bit sad because I just got a new wine tumbler but my common sense says, yeah, maybe don't drink tonight, so that'll have to wait for tomorrow. Also my stomach appears bottomless today, which is kinda fun in a 'you gots to stop' kind of way. I dunno. Mostly, for me, the most noticeable side effects have been the arm soreness (which is, you know, normal 'getting-a-needle-stuck-in-your-muscle' thing) and the on-and-off-chills. I think I described them to Steven as, 'my skin feels fragile and tingly', so they're super fun.

Overall, though--I be vaxxed. Shit's all right. 


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