on the subject of book covers

 So, I'm gearing up to publish three more books soon, probably in the next few months, and then the question comes of the covers.

I'm self-publishing, so, for covers, the choice is really between making some shitty cover on the Amazon Cover Creator, or paying someone else to do it. Between the five that I've published so far, three have been Amazon cover creator, and two made by other people. 

The difference is as follows:


To be honest, I don't hate the Columbiner cover. I think it actually turned out decent, considering. It's a little mysterious and a little dark and, considering it's about a school shooting, not bad.


Also, I didn't actually pay for the SKWC cover, the creator was just wanting to expand their portfolio and was looking for people who needed book covers. When I publish subsequent books in the series, though, you best believe I'll be going back to that cover artist.
Cover artists for the ones above, by the way: Zahra Qaiser for SKWC and Paris St Mercury for OMSS. 

So my upcoming books, one of them is in the OMSS universe, so I'll be going back to that cover artist in the next couple days and seeing if they'd be willing to sketch up another cover for me. Other than that, it's Spahn, first in the Vendettic series. I'm currently talking to another cover artist. 

The question does come how we find cover artists. I mean, you can go on Fiverr, there are about a million of them there. What I've been doing is waiting for people to post on r/writers, or r/writing, or r/selfpublishing on reddit, and contacting them there. That's how I've found everyone. I dunno. I'm also thinking of just doing my own cover for The Crucifixion of Craig Knox, because the image I have in my head is super simpe... but I'm not sure.

Covers are an interesting thing. I mean, they're important, so many people judge on cover alone, but it is probably what I've spent the most on during the self-publishing process. I mean, I don't pay for editors or anything. The only thing I've spent money on is the cover for One More Sad Song. 

And now, upcoming, probably the cover for Spahn. 


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