nanowrimo approachessss

 I know I talked about this about a month ago or something, but now, it's like--holy hell, NaNo's like, this weekend. I'm so glad that it starts on a Sunday, so I don't have to decide my topic at school, but can instead do so in the comfort of my own home and, maybe, get a nice chunk of it written that first day. 

I think what's going to suffer this time around is my reading. It's been picking up again lately--mostly this is me giving myself permission to read literally whenever I have time, and making myself stay away from my phone unless I've finished a book that day. So that's been going good, but when NaNo's on, I've gotta be doing that, obviously.

One thing that is absolutely crazy to me is that this is going to be the first year in like, a while that this is my first and only first draft of the year. I've been doing like, at least four or five a year for the past few years, and this year I've been staying away... I almost started once or twice, but I haven't. 

But now, hey man--two days!


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