let's talk about my new job

 If you've been paying attention, you'll realize that, hey, Aurora doesn't work at the Pizza Corner anymore. Now she works at... a... school? 

Yeah, so I'm teaching this year? We had our first day of school yesterday, but we had our first real day today; pretty much, yesterday, that was just... well, the principal has to quarantine until the end of the week, so his talks were transferred to us showing videos to our classes, which were roughly half the time the time he had allotted for them, so pretty much, everyone got to do what they wanted. 

And it kind of made me question, last night, whether I'd made the right decision. I mean, I don't technically have a license yet. I have an Alternate License, which means, basically, I have an English degree and nobody else wanted to work there and they needed an English teacher and I promise I'll get a real license. So I'm already coming in behind. My first time in a classroom in any capacity beyond student was yesterday, and when I pretty much let five 16-year-olds do whatever they wanted for half the day, it made me wonder whether this was going to be any good at all. 

Today was better, I will say. Today we had actual classes, and I think I put a little bit of a shock in them, because the last English teacher... well, let's say, I had her for English, too, and they will have to do more than what they had to do for her, because what they had to do for her was: nothing. 

But anyway! I had my juniors, that's the class I am advising which means I do prom this year *yaaay*,  I have them for study hall directly after lunch until we get our Flex time figured out, and one of them was messing on his laptop, on our 3D-Printing software website thing, and the absolute best thing I heard today:

"Dude, it's the twin towers!"


"You know, where the plane landed."


Never heard '9-11' described as 'the place where the plane landed', but, you know, youths. 


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