well holy side characters

Currently, I'm just over halfway through Marisha Pessl's Night Film, which was pretty big when it came out--I remember everyone talking about it. Everyone loved this book. Everyone was hauling it, everyone was reading it, everyone was going crazy about the 'multimedia aspects'--basically, there's printouts of like, mock-ups of websites and stuff inside.

It's from 2014, it was a simpler time.

Anyway, when I worked at the library, the summer we renovated, the library director was ruthless when it came to weeding, and so Night Film got cut from the collection. This was before I had any sort of book buying restrictions in place (this is also, I'm pretty sure, how the Book Wall got to be as big as it is today), and so I was just grabbing whatever the fuck I wanted from that book sale room, so I grabbed it. It sat in the Book Wall for almost two years.

I picked it up a couple days ago, after finishing what might actually be my favorite book I've read this year (Full Tilt by Neal Shusterman, if you're curious). Read about fifty pages the first night.

I didn't work last night, Steven did. So I did what I normally do when I don't work and he does--had popcorn and a movie (Cabin Fever, Eli Roth, ya done it again) for dinner, deep-cleaned one room... and then decided to go out to the balcony and read. About a week or so ago, Steven bought a chair to put out there, and so now we have a chair on our balcony, so I headed out there. Poured myself a glass of Moscato-and-Mountain-Dew-Ice and headed out.

I plowed through about three hundred pages in two hours, pretty much until the light started to die, and while the main character is honestly nothing special, man, those side characters. I looked a little bit at the Goodreads reviews, and every positive review says the same thing: main character was boring, but I loved Nora and Hopper. Didn't care for Scott, but Nora and Hopper = <3. fuck Scott, hell yeah Nora and Hopper.

And I definitely agree--Hopper especially is like, the kind of character that's been fuckin' made for me, you know, but it doesn't end there. Honestly, even the one-scene side characters are so much fun. Pessl has found perfect tightrope-walk of a writing style--she'd writing this like an old-school hardboiled crime novel, with some modern humor thrown in there. There are stereotypes, but they fit with the weird, dark world that she's created. They fit right in with her story, and they fit well.

I'm loving it. I've got the same situation going on tonight, so I'm hoping to finish it--and man, one thing that speaks good about this book is that I've got theories, so hopefully it ends as good as it started.


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