we are free

If any of you are interested in the ongoing saga of 'holy shit we all hate this one coworker', I have good news:

Boy's gone.

This past week, twice he's gone home on break and hasn't come back. Sunday was the last time--he'd put in his two weeks, boss called him and promised him that he could start driving, despite the fact that at least three drivers would quit on the spot if he was given that opportunity and one would give it a week and then quit, we all thought the two weeks was a false alarm again, and then--

Tuesday night, we get a call. And he's gone. He's gone for good, and we are free.

It is amazing, really; Wednesdays have been my night to close with him, and as he quit we had to call in one of the part-time girls, who is currently student-teaching so she was only really able to be there to get me through the supper rush... but she was there for two and a half hours and got literally almost all of the closing stuff done. And yeah--it was remarkably slow. But Jesus H Christ, you were there for like, a third of a shift and did more than that kid ever did in like seven shifts. This girl is pretty efficient in general, but like. Wow.

But it is so nice to be able to look at the schedule for next week and not have to cross my fingers for as little working with one particular coworker as possible. That is nice. I only really ever close with two or three different people, mostly the two because one of the counters is also a driver, so--now mostly I'm swapping between the two guys I work with the most anyway, which is one hundred per cent fine by me, we are free.


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