absolute baby

I don't get sick often. I'll get a stuffed up nose more frequently than anything, but it normally goes away pretty fast--when it doesn't, I get so fucking whiny, like I just can't deal with it.

Yesterday, I woke up with a sore throat. Sometimes happens. Normally a hot shower and a cup of warm coffee clears that up. Didn't. Rest of the day was also spent shivering my ass off, because I was absolutely freezing unless I was under seven blankets or standing in front of the garlic cheese bread oven at work. And to be completely honest, it's probably just a sore throat and maybe a mild fever. I took a shot of off-brand NyQuil last night to fall asleep (I tried not to, I don't like using any sort of medicine unless I absolutely have to so that when I have to, it works like it's supposed to) and this morning my throat is still sore and my nose is a little stuffed up but I do feel better.

But dear fucking lord I was such a baby about the whole thing last night. I'm training in a new girl right now, so it's not like, a great time to be sick, but it was also my night to go home early--it's been super slow, recently, and so me and the other counter I work with the most often just sort of alternate--and it was less slow than the previous two nights in which I let him go home early, because that's how it always goes, when it's his night to go home early we're done with everything by nine and when it's my turn it just turns into, 'he waits for the last driver and I get to go home at 10:00 instead of 10:15.' Which is again, whiny.

I do like this job. I like it more than... most of the jobs I've had, I guess the library remains the best job  I've ever had. And I'm good at this job. I'm good at counter, and I don't really want to leave counter, even if they're trying to push me to learn kitchen, too, and last night the oven was like, 'hm, we should teach you oven,' but I'm fine with counter. At least the drivers have stopped with the, 'come drive,' which I know was a joke when it comes to one of them, but not so sure on the others. But I dunno.

All I know is that this sick thing better clear up before Saturday, because I don't know for sure the schedule, but I did see a glimpse while he was looking at it and it looks like he's got me working a double which is dumb.


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