
I hate the phrase 'writing slump', just like I hate the word 'reading slump,' because when it comes to things like this, where you just don't want to read or write, the answer is only one thing--to just fucking do it. It's not hard. You just have to do it. And I know this, I know this right now, when I'm five hundred pages deep on War & Peace and unwilling to give up on it even though oh my god I am 33 books behind on my Goodreads challenge, and five hundred pages deep means I have roughly nine hundred pages left, give or take, and my writing has--


I guess I've finished a couple projects this year, but that mostly comes from being in the final pass stages when the year came around. I feel like I've done nothing this year, and what's scarier--I haven't had hardly any urges to write any first drafts. The only urge to write a first draft I've had is because I realized that I haven't had an idea where I was like 'oh my god I need to write that now.' And maybe I'm just all first drafted out from last year. I wrote a lot of first drafts last year. And it's probably better, you know, for NaNoWriMo purposes, if I don't write seven hundred first drafts in a year.

Don't get me wrong. I've got a couple of ideas that have been marinating for a while that I just haven't gotten around to, so I'm not 'out of ideas', which is a dumb idea to have, anyway. I've just been tired. I don't even know what it is--maybe it's seasonal depression finally catching up to me, though we're warming up way early this year--we've already had a couple above-freezing days and our double-digits-below-zero days have been limited to two or three days at a time, not weeks. Pretty much, for non-farmers, it's been a decently easy winter.

Maybe it is the fact that I'm stuck on War & Peace currently. I have no clue when I'm gonna finish it, only that I am. Maybe I should start bringing it to work to read on my breaks. Then I can get half an hour done in a shot. I don't know. All I know is I've been listening to a stupid amount of Megadeth lately*.

*(Megadeth being my feel-good band.)


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