guess what we're drafting again

I don't think it's a secret that the first draft is my absolute favorite part of the writing process. If I didn't want to get published, I'd just write all first drafts, all the time, never rewrite, never revise, none of that. Just first drafts. And sometimes my first drafts turn out pretty solid, writing-wise, when I really know what I'm doing (my latest trashy horror novel, which I do want to rewrite... very soon, once I finish with my WM3 rewrite which is, coincidentally, the other recent first draft that is decently solid), mostly they're... not. I mean, mostly my first drafts are glorified outlines.

I had this idea that I'd only write a new first draft every two rewrites, or revisions, or what have you. But like, it turns out that I can draft while I do other things? So basically I'm doing another first draft, and I'm like... why am I not writing a first draft all the time?

I'm up for a job right now that would give me some free time sometimes. Some dead air. When I interviewed for it the subject of writing came up and the interviewer was like, "Oh, and when nothing's going on, you can be writing!" So I can bring a notebook with a new first draft in it. I mean, hell, why not be all drafting all the time?

So I'm drafting again. Not gonna give specifics, but the main character's kinda hard to find, I mean the balance of him, his essence is pretty much Metallica's "St. Anger" album, and after pushing past the disappointment that it's not flowing as easy and clean as my last trashy horror novel did, I'm interested in what's happening. It's gonna be a good time.


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