adulthood looms

I graduated college on Saturday.

Now I am the proud owner of a piece of paper that says I have a Bachelor's in English, as good as that does. I fucked up the walking back to my chair because I wasn't paying attention and didn't go all the way around, but everyone's nice enough that nobody mentioned it, and I was still after the people I was originally after, so it's fine. Talked to a person I haven't talked to in a while and now we talk to each other again so that's pretty all right.

Yesterday I started applying for jobs. I'm going for a town that's about twenty miles away from the place I went to college in, forty miles from my childhood home. Rent's cheap and I like it there so I figure, what the hell, I'll just go for that. I forgot how long it took to apply for jobs, even if you already have the resume and everything prepared. It took me two hours yesterday and I didn't even fully apply for two of the three I went for, because they need you to go in to the place in person so I just found the applications and uploaded them to my e-mail. I'll go to the library I used to work at and print them out on Thursday. I'll go into the town on Friday.

I feel like I'm probably mega-stressed, but I'm doing a pretty good job of ignoring it.


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