happy blizzard everyone

So it's blizzarding. There's a whole big thing that's going on in Central US, or whatever, I skimmed a few news articles but to be fair to the blizzard it is March and I am not too surprised by a blizzard, you feel? Like it's March. It's still winter. Winter isn't for sure over until halfway through May, you know?

I don't mind a blizzard, especially when it's March and therefore warm enough that the shit'll melt. Like, it's thirty degrees out. That's above zero, by the way. By next Tuesday, we should be up near forty. Will we probably flood this year? Well, yeah, probably. We've got a fuckton of snow in these past couple months.

But like, maybe it's the lazy motherfucker in me, but I do really like a day where I'm stormed in and there's no work and there's no class and I can just write, you know? I started a new first draft last night because I have absolutely zero self-control when it comes to these things, I'm about 4k in, and I'm pumped about it, and God knows how many pages I'll slam out today. I dig it. Classes didn't get cancelled before I went to bed last night so my alarm went off at 6:15 and I immediately checked my e-mail and 'Closed' popped up and so I cheered and went back to bed for another couple hours. Which was nice, I got like seven hours of sleep, which is uncommon at this point, I'm more of a five hours a night kind of person. Don't really know how much by choice that is, but it is what it is. Mostly it works.

I am a little sad that the ground we could see yesterday is covered up now. Like that kinda sucks. But it'll come back. Or. The snow will leave, the ground's not going anywhere.


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