the only book wall shrinkage that has worked

 A little over a year ago, Steven and I decided to make a "bet." It's not really a bet; it's more of an agreement. Essentially, unless the other gives consent, he can't buy pop, and I can't buy books. When we started this bet, I was somewhere over 2100 unread books. Every book buying ban/book wall shrinkage attempt had ended in me just going and buying up dozens of lots of books on eBay. 

I am now sitting at a neat 2017 for the book wall. My low this year has been 2013. I will be dipping back under 2000 unread books soon, and then--well, the sky's the limit. Imagine, if I keep reading 500 books a year; I'll be done in just a few years and then I can start buying up as many books as I want again!

This really does come with my desire to win, I think, as well as just the sheer amount of books I've been reading recently. Because I have read almost 100 books so far this year, and it is only March. I've made up my own book spreadsheet, so let's look at some figures.

My favorite part of this, I think, is that I somehow just haven't read any books from 2018 so far this year. 2023 I can understand, I guess, seeing as it's the beginning of the year, but man. No 2018 releases. It'll be interesting to see how these numbers grow and change as the year goes on.


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