camp nano... again!

 I am entirely unprepared for Camp NaNoWriMo this month. I sort of forgot about it until about 8:00AM this morning, and I only started working on my project at about 3:30 this afternoon. I'm about 600 words in. If you're interested, I'm doing kind of an experimental thing... if you've read the Pentalogy of Hell there's a character who gets a stupid amount of attention, and I'm writing the lead-up to his death in the form of police interviews? I thought it was fun. It was randomly chosen for me. It was between that, the first in a sequel trilogy to the Tinon series, and the next Aughts Boys book. 

But I think I'll get back in the swing of things. Like I said, I'm only about 600 words in. And I can't exactly walk right now, what with my feet being half-blister from yesterday's 25k monstrosity  (walked 4.5 hours straight, would not recommend), so I might as well make myself useful and write.


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